Aprender Português 1 - Compreensão Oral | Listening Comprehension
Carla Oliveira | Luísa Coelho
Permite que os alunos desenvolvam um trabalho mais autónomo, quer a um nível de auto-aprendizagem quer no espaço da sala de aula em qualquer nível. Cada texto oral apresenta uma tipologia diversificada de exercícios de compreensão oral que podem ir dos mais simples aos mais complexos.
It is the first volume of a set of two books aimed at adolescents and adult learning Portuguese as a second language and foreign language. Aprender Português 1 – Compreensão Oral (Listening Comprehension) is divided into 12 units, having as main objective the systematic work of listening comprehension.
This book is designed from a perspective of evolution in the acquisition of the language, considering the moment of learning in which the user is. Thus, the contents displayed are related to a more initial phase of contact with the language, with examples, exercises and audio texts according to the specific moment of proficiency of the learner and the pronunciation requirements necessary for levels A1/A2.