Queres falar português?
Do you want to speak portuguese?

Livros com mais de 100 exercícos

Books with more than 100 exercises

Soluções para todos os exercícios

Solutions for all exercises

Complementos on-line para os exercícios

Online add-ons for exercises

Biblioteca | Library

Livros em destaque | Featured books

Nível A1 / A2

Level A1 / A2

Nìvel B1

Level B1

Nível B2

Level B2

Nível C1 / C2

Level C1 / C2

Materiais para Crianças

Materials for Children

Recursos para o Professor

Teacher Resources

Portuguese Language Test to Obtain Citizenship

(Level A2 - CIPLE)

Onde Encontrar os Nossos Livros

Where to find our books

Sobre Nós | About Us

Luísa Coelho


Licenciada em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas e mestre em Comunicação Educacional Multimédia. Foi docente de Português Língua Estrangeira de 1983 a 2015 no Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. É também autora de diversos materiais didáticos para o ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira.

Bachelor in Language and Modern Literature and Master in Multimedia Educational Communication.She was teacher of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at Institute of Portuguese Language and Culture at School of Arts and Humanities – Lisbon University between 1983 and 2015.She is a specialist in Portuguese as a Foreign Language, and she is author of various didactical materials of Portuguese as a Foreign Language.

Carla Oliveira


Licenciada em Língua e Cultura Portuguesa pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e especialista na área de Português Língua Estrangeira. Desde 1992, tem lecionado nos cursos de Português para Estrangeiros do Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Nos últimos anos tem-se dedicado à produção de materiais didáticos específicos para o ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira.

Bachelor in Language and Portuguese Culture at Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Lisbon University, and specialist in Portuguese as a Foreign Language.Since 1992, she has been teaching courses of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at Institute of Portuguese Language and Culture at School of Arts and Humanities – Lisbon University.These last years, she has been dedicated to the production of specific didactical materials of Portuguese as a Foreign Language.

Exercícios | Exercices

Pratique | Practice


It especially focuses on the verbal aspect (tenses and modes). Exercises are chosen in a progressive way, from the easiest to the most difficult ones.
Comming Soon


In order to facilitate the vocabulary acquisition, we present varied exercises, such as family of words, synonyms or antonyms. There are also texts of progressive difficulty for lexical and semantic exploration.
Comming Soon


Here we present the most common communicative situations for the day-to-day of a Portuguese language user, through recorded dialogues and fun learning games.
Comming Soon

Compreensão Oral

Oral Compreehension
We present progressive difficulty exercises for each level, such as, sounds identification and intonation
Comming Soon

Contatos | Contacts

Fale connosco | Talk with us

Email: portuguesdeportugal@gmail.com

               Fonte: Turismo de Portugal